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Books, Books, Books
I have finally given in to temptation and got myself a readers ticket at St. Deiniol’s Library partly due to the lack of facilities from the Chester branch of SPCK / SSG or whatever it is now, (See Dave’s archives for a blow by blow account of the history) and partly due to not being able to afford to buy all the books I want to look at, some are now out of print – I guess I’m missing the Library at the University in Cardiff!! Whilst looking for a book which – ironically – wasn’t in the collection I came accross ‘Faith and Beauty’ by Edward Farley I only had time to peruse chapter one, but it might even be worth buying a copy. Fascinating stuff. Not too far removed in its ideology from John and his ‘reading the everyday’ it also strangely links in with Stephen Pattison and his ocular thoughts from the Gifford Lectures last year.