Category: away from the desk

  • Cottage Lodge

    Been away for a bit… We found this delightful little B&B in Brockenhurst, as eco friendly as you can get, all locally produced goods, or fairtrade if not available, local soap, ecover products, the lot really!!  We even got free tea and cake just for not using the car while we were there, YUM! So…

  • Yr Wyddgrug

    Or Mold, if you prefer. No, not the stuff that festers atop the last slice of bread in the umpteenth bag you pull out of the bread box, that has a ‘u’ in it, but the little gem south of Holywell, about 10 miles round trip away. More of these entries seem to be talking…

  • Walking in Greenfield Valley

    Well, thanks to the lone of a dog for the day we finally discovered the delights of the valley of greenfield.  Driving and cycling up and down the road beside this for the past four months I would never have believed that such a place was concealed behind the houses!! The ruined abbey is the…

  • Cymraeg

    Rhaid i mi ymarfer ac siarad cymraeg pob dydd!! I was told by my new welsh teacher.  Well that's easy sat in the classroom, I get told off by the children for getting words wrong, AND they slip into english when I am around – really frustrating!  However, there may be a little welsh creeping…

  • Bank Holiday Weekend

    Sat in study in North Wales… Not the place to be on August Bank Holiday weekend, the place to be (at the moment) is Cheltenham race course. I haven’t got a taste for the races either. It is the Greenbelt festival this weekend. I was reminded about this when turfing through papers from the old…

  • Old mail and Greenbelt

    After a fleeting visit to the old house in Llanrug this weekend, I discovered amongst the mountain of mail, a number of strange letters from the TV licensing people, Why is it you cannot have a house without a television these days??? Also a christmas card with £30 in it And A plethora of Greenbelt…

  • Heathrow

    It seems a little surreal sitting in a hotel lounge typing this, nevertheless it was rather good to have complimentary copies of the Independent – it seems to be a rather good paper, I do remember blogging about never wanting to read another paper for a while because of the lack of ‘good news!’ After…

  • Ratties!!

    Working hard of course… …on the rat cage. I know it is not a dog, but were getting there, at least rats have four legs and are demanding of attention – sounds like a dog to me. Anyway their little home has now been constructed. All we have to do now is await the little…

  • six year old writings

    Chloe wrote this the day before ordination, I have just discovered it on the camera!!

  • Fish

    Many Christians put fish on their cars… I have two in my study! ‘The boys’ as they are becoming known, (well they are moody, only eat when they want to eat, are fussy about having the filter on etc…) are my pastoral fish, they are quite calming actually. It is a long way from a…