Category: Film

  • Jesus – Factionless

    So what happens when you don’t fit in? What happens when the society you live in believes you are an outcast or that your face does not fit the picture they would like it to? What happens when a society that nurtured you and brought you into being decides that your views are too radical?…

  • The knowledge to see a different path

    Divergent has been our film this year for Lent, and for the first time, you can watch it when we come to Monday of Holy Week.  A future world has been torn apart by war and a small city society is trying to rebuild it.  You can only belong though if you know who you…

  • Will the Truth set us Free?

    It is the Third Sunday of Lent – We’ve been looking at Lent through the story of Divergent a book and film of teenage fiction – which like so many of its genre begins with a world torn apart by war with a society attempting to put itself back together.  Five society groups exist called…

  • Have we the Courage of Dewi Sant?

    Ordinary acts of bravery – the courage that brings one person to stand up for another.  In the story book and film of Divergent Tris, a young girl chooses as all young members of this society must, chooses her faction, the group she will live with.  Tris chooses to leave Abnegation, her faction which believes…

  • Jesus, Divergent or Abnegation?

    Jesus, Divergent or Abnegation?

    As we begin Lent it is time to go out into the wilderness… And time to begin a new Film – Divergent. At Christmas eve I suggested that to take the cultural temperature of our time we might delve into some teenage fiction.  Well Divergent isn’t a Christmas film, but it is very much a…

  • Jesus, the Stubborn Loaf:  Still rising

    Jesus, the Stubborn Loaf: Still rising

    We’re going to get to the end of the story of the Devil wears Prada, or at least the point at which the film ends, but first I think an explanation or two might be required: Perhaps it was a typo, he meant to write risen, but missed and got rising instead.  No.  Rising is…

  • The Jesus – Jerusalem / Prada – Paris dilemma

    The Jesus – Jerusalem / Prada – Paris dilemma

    I want to offer you an image, a tableaux, a freeze frame image if you like from The Devil Wears Prada.  Andrea is standing in the road with Nate her boyfriend, or I should say, just about to be ex-boyfriend.  She has to make a choice.  She has been offered a chance to go to…

  • Moments of clarity at the well of life

    Moments of clarity at the well of life

    Everyone I suspect has had at least one experience in their life which changes them.  A seminal moment if you like, or a moment of clarity.  I have had a number of them, and it’s not that i’ve been going looking, they don’t seem to happen if you intentionally go out to have one –…

  • The Prada Saga continues: by night…

    The Prada Saga continues: by night…

    Poor Nicodemus.  Perhaps he was the one who arrived at the Rabbi’s meeting late?  Did he lose out on the pulling of straws?  Maybe he wanted to speak to Jesus privately for himself?  Whatever the reason, he seeks out Jesus under cover of darkness and has a truly strange conversation.  Of course when listening to…

  • The devil wears the wilderness well

    The devil wears the wilderness well. Devil attacks when it’s easy – when we are vulnerable and in need.  Our basic desires are attacked with temptation:  Bread for the hungry.  Riches for the poor.  Power for the weak. But is this true:  What is it the hungry truly need, but any meal.  What do the…