Category: Food

  • Longue-Dog


    I’m a sucker for a bottle of wine with a good pedigree, so this one just had to come off the shelf! Longue Dog! Evensong over, bottle open, feet up! Ahhh…

  • Biscuits (for cheese)

    Biscuits (for cheese) they must be around here somewhere… Surely the’ve not run out just yet, where can they be…?

  • Snow 'n' Sloe

    A perfect occasion for a quiet wander in the snow and to gather a few of the last remaining sloes.  They are now happily married with some of our apples to top off a warm cake, great to munch in front of the fire!

  • Harvest Festivities

    This was shown at the harvest service, someone commented that it always seemed to be sunny in the vicarage garden.

  • Hedgerow Harvest

    Two weeks ago the elderberries looking like they wanted a week of sunshine, this week most were ripe for picking! Haws and sloes, damsons and blackberries went in the bag for good measure. Hedgerow jam is on the cards, a few sloes might find their way into some vodka by the sound of it. I’ve…

  • correspondence

    I’m sifting through a pile of paper, most of it fit for the recycling only! Are we a correspondence clergy?  Fit only for pushing pieces of paper here and there?  As I sift, a number of emails make their presence known and the paper is forgotten for a while.  Messages fly backwards and forwards days…

  • September

    The hedgerows are teeming with life, most of it edible, we have so far (apart from the tree load of apples which our garden supplies) blackberries – loads, hedge garlic (still prolific) raspberry leaves for tea, haws for Haw-sin sauce and a few other bits and pieces. In a few weeks the elderberries will be…

  • Wheat

    A cool and blustery day finds me in the front garden, harvesting the of this years wheat…

  • Cakes…

    You would have been forgiven for thinking that following the procession of the cakes into the lounge, the phrase ‘More Tea Vicar?’ would have been swiftly following, however as it was, (delightfully) all pretence was lost as the host, in broad cockney, announced, ‘e ar then mate, elp yourself”  We were all in stitches!

  • Top fillings – by request

    for pancakes of course!! All request made during breakfast…  The Top 6 are: no.1  Chips  (and i’ll add chilli sauce of course) no.2  Melted mars bar equal 3rd  Peanut butter and cherry jam equal 3rd Neopolitan ice cream no.5  Banana and brown sugar no.6  Lemon and brown sugar – (it actually made their list!!) Other…