Category: God

  • A Sanctuary and a Light

    A Sanctuary and a Light

    Church Hostel Bangor is up for sale.  aka The Anglican Chaplaincy, more affectionately: AngChap or simply for those of us who lived and worked there ‘home from home’. We were always walking a tightrope whilst juggling the twin identities of this place, Hostel and Chaplaincy.  Whether doing the accounts and applying for money, or justifying…

  • A chrismas list

    It is most odd to me that many people often say, ‘O vicar, this is your Busy Time’.  As if I have the rest of the year off.  The more enlightened might mention something about Easter as well.  I’ve never come up with a suitable retort and have resigned myself to the benign ‘yes there…

  • Less dust, more Glory

    I reflected, (much to everyone’s amusement) last week on dust. I don’t want to repeat that experience, but I do want to go back to the beginning of the journey that I related and do it all again.  Perhaps we missed something at the first attempt.  It is transfiguration Sunday today as we look (forward)…

  • Dust – Creation Sunday

    Ok so I have been reading Philip Pullman recently his Dark Materials Trilogy!  And ‘The Golden Compass’ based on the first of the books, ‘Northern Lights’ was an engaging film, however ‘Dust’ is given an altogether different status in the books and it turns out that what he calls dust in the fist book /…

  • The bag

    Carried a full bag of God for ages. One day realised it was empty. Dumped the bag, travelled lighter, contents still with me. #ikonstory Can you write your own God story? For Greenbelt 2011 tweet with #ikonstory, no links though!

  • Leaving Prayer

    Roll out the Vicar…   my contribution to our leavers service in the school. A Leaving Prayer God we pray: May you who leave this place: Take with you every blessing you have received here: Blessings of friendship Blessings of memories Blessings of knowledge And may you who leave here today to begin a new…

  • There is but one way…

    … to get rid of the snow, and that it to build a sled for the children.  When I have finished it, (June or July sometime) the snow will be gone!  Whilst deciding whether or not to clear the drive and risk the car this morning – (nah, walk!) I was browsing a few books…

  • Living Nativity

    Because the Holy Trinity Church in Greenfield is closed for building works, we had a choice this year to do nothing, or to take the opportunity to do something different to mark Christmas in the community. We wanted to give the community the opportunity to be part of the story, rather than just listening to…

  • Soil, Soul, Society

    I have been working on a paper for about six months, I knew that at some point I would have to write the beginning, but have not as yet until this morning found the right words. Soil, Soul, Society. Alastair McIntosh describes this as the “Tripartite understanding of community” (For those who are concerned about…

  • Just Gardening

    I was gardening.  Just that.  Strimming the overgrown grass, revealing the flowers that had been planted along the labyrinth path in the churchyard.  It always had a queer sort of fascination with the locals, seeing someone tending something new, something unexpected and many would stop and chat, poking good humoured fun or questioning why.  On…