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Category: justice
William Morgan – Tŷ Mawr Wybrnant
Will Tŷ Mawr, not William Morgan but the former custodian of the house that saw William Morgan (Esgob) to birth: As we sat in his kitchen at Wybrnant he recalls ‘they keep bringing us bibles – what do we want with them here? And I’m, taken to the old parlor where a large cupboard stands; it…
A Sanctuary and a Light
Church Hostel Bangor is up for sale. aka The Anglican Chaplaincy, more affectionately: AngChap or simply for those of us who lived and worked there ‘home from home’. We were always walking a tightrope whilst juggling the twin identities of this place, Hostel and Chaplaincy. Whether doing the accounts and applying for money, or justifying…
Day 49 – Foodbank Challenge
As day 49 of the food bank challenge comes to a close, it’s time for a biblical jubilee. Beginning again on 5th march as Lent begins and #EndHungerFAST gets up to speed…
What you see
Can you hear the cry of the city? ‘ Big Issue ‘ ‘ Big Issue ‘ Is the cry of the street vendor and they are right, there are so many Big Issues. And Yet, There is a way of walking in the city, purposeful, focussed, absent. Does the ‘Shelter Cymru’ fund-raiser, (with the red…
The butterfly effect
Has anyone seen a butterfly yet? I saw a Red Admiral drifting over some crocuses in my garden on February 16. Pure existence. Pure presence, out on the hunt for nectar, a familiar pastime that we have all engaged in. And I thought there it was free, much freer than I in so many ways.…
Harvest Festivities
This was shown at the harvest service, someone commented that it always seemed to be sunny in the vicarage garden.
a radical heart
Rumi said, in the midst of conflict: “I go into the Muslim mosque, and the Jewish synagogue and the Christian church and I see one altar.” How open, or how big must one’s heart be to allow such a thought? Can such a radical notion of generosity of heart ever take root today? Perhaps not…
The Presents got there!!
Remember the 6th of December? St. Nicolas Day. Rev’d Professor Nicholas Sagovsky and St Nicolas went to Yarls Wood with presents, but were not allowed to take them in? Well, if you read this account partly from children who were in Yarls wood at the time, you find that they arrived! “Some presents came. [An…
an ark for Epiphany
Trying to keep up with the promise I made to finish books before buying others, I realise that I am way behind on that score already. Reading yesterdays entry from ‘All Saints’ late, but in keeping with the season, Epiphany. (See Maggi Dawn’s comments on that subject!) Lanza del Vasto a modern prophet and ‘Noah’…