Category: Monthly Pic

  • November

    This month sees the start of a great project in Ffynnongroyw.  We are embarking on a Community Supported Agriculture scheme on some waste land at the back of the church.  The land seems to lend itself towards a Forest Garden and already has well established Poplar trees, or more probably Aspens, Willow, Ash, and a…

  • October

    This month should have seen the arrival of the performers from Pakistan taking part in the ‘Open Every Door’ Project production of Joseph. However it seems to be wrongly titled, perhaps the original Joseph production got the title right first time around – ‘Close every Door’ As that is what the UK Gov. have done…

  • September

    The hedgerows are teeming with life, most of it edible, we have so far (apart from the tree load of apples which our garden supplies) blackberries – loads, hedge garlic (still prolific) raspberry leaves for tea, haws for Haw-sin sauce and a few other bits and pieces. In a few weeks the elderberries will be…

  • August

    August is the month for dusting off the jam pan.  So far the apples have started landing regularly on the lawn.  Rather than waste these early fruits they have been transformed into ‘Spiced Apple Jelly’ with just a hint of the old favourite – Chilli!  Without a greenhouse at the moment the chillies are slow…

  • July

    It is already half way through July and I’ve only just noticed…  I think this month, you can ask me anything about the underside of the front of a classic mini, or about the suspension system, I’ve covered it all in an attempt to get the car through it’s MOT, just a little welding to…

  • June

    So June is here, the longest month in terms of daylight hours of course! 4am till 10pm. How is one to use such a gift? I have been re-reading an old friend, it was a ‘priesting’ gift from the then bishop. On presenting it to me he said, ‘well, Stuart always was a bit alternative’…

  • May

    How to stand three on a milking stool. Or, how a hung parliament might actually work! The thing about a milking stool is that there really is only room for one, however that is always going to be a precarious postion as with only three legs you can easily get pushed off. Standing three is…

  • April

    Showers? well, not really so far, warm sun and long afternoons… I could not help but chuckle during the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral this year on April Fools day +Gregory suggested the clergy should be ‘silly’ explaining the entomology of the word its original meaning was closer to the word blessed. However, I was…

  • March

    A month for moving. I walked a labyrinth yesterday. Something I’ve done many times before, however, as always with the labyrinth it is different every time. This was one of what I call the “proper ones” without modern distractions on the path! (they are good in their own way, but really don’t compete). As I…

  • February

    So, finally we turn from the baby-fest to the provocative preacher.  February marks the bizarre American festival of Groundhog day. Sadly Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell arn’t gracing our televisions this next week – shame.  Underneath the rather barmy exterior it explores the relationship between head and heart.  Arrogant and mediocre weatherman Phil Conners lives …