Category: music

  • It's Euro night!

    Woganless, sadly, more’s the pity! But just as daft, worth a look, Ireland’s entry should raise an eyebrow…

  • adrift with the christ

    The Parish Away day in preparation for Holy Week Easter – focussing on seeing a larger Christ. A meditation in preparation for time spent in quiet with the hills, woods, chickens and bees! Psalm 62 (Music: ‘Nunc Dimittis’ Christian Forshaw) It is as if we are dead to the world that is before us. And…

  • Cerdd Dant, Jazz and improvisation

    I’ve been learning a new skill, well, trying to bluff through it at the very least.  There are rules for everything these days and twice as many for Cerdd Dant it seems.  For the uninitiated, it’s a poem set to music sung over an air on a Harp.  They had always sounded so appropriate listening…

  • correspondence

    I’m sifting through a pile of paper, most of it fit for the recycling only! Are we a correspondence clergy?  Fit only for pushing pieces of paper here and there?  As I sift, a number of emails make their presence known and the paper is forgotten for a while.  Messages fly backwards and forwards days…

  • Arrivals

    Just in time, I have almost finished clearing the study of clutter, when what pops through the door but two large packages, one an unexpected gift – an Epiphany present – thanks John, how did you know I had been meaning to get one of those for a while?? And two, the collected works of…

  • Music for Transformation

    Musically, I know what I like, I can’t often name the artist or even the song title, let alone remember any lyrics.  This is probably why when reading the latest copy of Resurgence with Annie Lennox as guest editor I was happily surprised to read some lyrics to a song I have invariably hummed along…

  • Gloria

    I was sure I had heard the piece of music that ended Good Morning Sunday on radio two this Sunday just past, however, it seems that it is from a new CD ‘New Dawn’ by Libera, the track is called ‘Gloria’ a little digging found it is based on Saint Saens Organ Symphony no.3 (YouTube…

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