Category: Uncategorized

  • Fugal music of Easter

    I woke this morning not to an alarm rudely bleating into my dreams, but gently with the birdsong. As the dawn chorus began sometime around first light the soft, yet strident songs of the early risers drifted through to my thoughts and encouraged me awake. The chorus grew stronger with the strengthening light in some…

  • All shall be well: Do not be afraid.

    All shall be well: Do not be afraid.

    A gentle touch. For comfort. For reassurance. Indicating closeness and empathy. Understanding. Words are not needed to say, I’m here, or it’s okay.

  • A tree stands in the wilderness

    In the wilderness of 1987 there stood an iconic tree. Arguably it still stands head and shoulders, though that should probably be leaves and branches, above all the other trees in that particular wilderness.  It was called the Joshua Tree. If your home is the Mojave desert a Joshua tree might be the symbol of…

  • Lammas – Gŵyl Awst

    Today we celebrate ‘Lammas’. It marks the beginning of Harvest, traditionally the wheat harvest.  Lammas means Loaf Mass.  At the beginning of the harvest the workers would gather, bake a loaf of bread with the first cut of the harvest and offer it at the Mass as a thanksgiving for the years growth. It was…

  • Genir yr Haf Birth of Summer

    O’r Hendref i’r Hafod.Preswylir o’r Gaeaf i’r Haf.Ymestyn, dysgu llawenhau. From the Hearth onto the heath.Winter to summer dwelling.Stretching, learning to rejoice.

  • Alban Eilir – Spring Equinox

    Arhoswch a gwyliwchy gad llonydd daearu troi heibio am orffwys.cymododd trwy farwolaeth aileni Watch and wait the letting goearthed laid out to restreconciled through death reborn

  • Speechless

    Speechless – Welcomed and Rejected. You might think that the Parable of the wedding banquet affirms the boundless generosity and inclusive reach of God’s grace. There is the small matter of the destruction of villages of those first invited. After that though we can invite everyone. Celebrate the inclusivity, diversity of God’s kingdom shown in…

  • A painful truth

    Take a ticket.  Stand (masked) in line, on the dotted line, or in the circle two meters away. ‘Would you like a receipt with that?’ the checkout operator asks? And because of climate change and using less resources and waste paper littering the floor I suppose, they expect you to say no.  Would you think…

  • Build Bridges, not Walls

    Two years ago in August I met a most extraordinary man.  He had made the rather circuitous journey from Bethlehem through Jordan to the UK and then to Cheltenham of all places.  He then had the mis-fortune of being driven around by my colleagues and I.  He had come to speak about his work of…

  • Râs Moel y Ci

    Râs Moel y Ci

    Râs Moel y Ci:  Race no.  7 of Forty @40 Only 33 to go… but all for a great cause