
I’m sifting through a pile of paper, most of it fit for the recycling only! Are we a correspondence clergy?  Fit only for pushing pieces of paper here and there?  As I sift, a number of emails make their presence known and the paper is forgotten for a while.  Messages fly backwards and forwards days quicker than their paper counterparts.  Meanwhile, in honour of all things that take their time, the apple butter evaporates slowly in the Aga, the timer reminding me to stir it every half hour.  This tell tale beep also reminds me that I was sifting the paper.  Two hours so far, four trips to stir, and half a blue recycling bag full.  It is damp and dreary outside, but perhaps a wander up the road in an hour or so will lift the mood!  ‘The Road Home’ slips out from between a few envelopes and my ears are reminded that the post brings good things as well as mundane!

~ rhannu os ti isio ~ do share ~







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