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Beyond these walls
Searching for the garden
The blackthorn is in blossom, the birds are beginning to find their nests once again so spring is, I suppose, upon us as the days begin noticeably to lengthen. WH Auden in his poem ‘For the time being’ writes: “For the garden is the only place there is, but you will not find it Until…
All shall be well: Do not be afraid.
A gentle touch. For comfort. For reassurance. Indicating closeness and empathy. Understanding. Words are not needed to say, I’m here, or it’s okay.
In the beginning… that moment of beautiful poetry from Genesis, the light begins to shine out of the darkness. Hope is brought forth. It is one of the most enduring images of the Christian faith, that light overcomes darkness, that goodness is stronger than evil, and that Christ as the Light for the World has…
The shadows shine Darkly behind all they were An imprint of their lives upon our own Outlines remain yet nothing inhabits the space Memories on an ink pad never refreshed Become background noise to the daily clamour Threads all but gone yet woven still Half remembered conversations drift Waking dreams of lives entangled till Fading…
Mingled down
In the home at Bethany. A Hearth. A Haven. (John 12.1-8) The events of the last weeks of Jesus’ earthly life are cast. A place, we presume, he knew well. We are told of some who were there. Mary, Martha, Lazarus, Judas, Jesus. From a distance we could see it as a time of preparation…
A tree stands in the wilderness
In the wilderness of 1987 there stood an iconic tree. Arguably it still stands head and shoulders, though that should probably be leaves and branches, above all the other trees in that particular wilderness. It was called the Joshua Tree. If your home is the Mojave desert a Joshua tree might be the symbol of…
Unfolding the heavens
I can do no more than stand in wonder whilst earth rises to each footfallsilken skies crowned in shades of light bright lit for the momenthaloed, darkening as the remains of the day’s sun and rising moon co create the eternal.I might have disbelieved myself had we not walked in companyfor the gift was composed…
Alban Arthan – Winter Solstice
Cynhelir mewn golau cannwyll Calonogir gan drydar Disgwylir y golau gwawrio Cradled in candlelight Encouraged by birdsong Anticipating the light to come
You are not alone
‘You are not alone’. The message on the card was destined for an unknown recipient inserted into a box of gifts for refugees. We gathered clothes, toys and other items at the feast of Christ the king. It is the end of another liturgical year. I’m reminded of the song: ‘Nothing ever happens’ by Glasgow…
Calan Gaeaf – All Hallows
Cysgir natur, daw’r tywyllwch Rhwng bywydau daearol a dragwyddol Tenau’r fêl gwawn Nature sleeps, the dark comesBetween temporal and eternal worldsThe veil thins to gossamer.