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Tag: bread
The Gleanings are (probably) not for you
Written for BBC Radio Wales’ ‘Celebration’ 20th Sept – harvest thanksgiving The earth is full of the things you have made. Grass for cattle, vegetables for the people. You make food grow from the earth. You give us bread that gives us strength. [Psalm 104:13-15 (adapted)] Psalm 104 is a song of praise to God…
Lammas Bread
Our table is covered in crumbs. I feel your disapproval growing as an unwelcome guest in our midst. Yet there are none such at this table. Even the disapproving are welcome to gather the crumbs under this table. Not untidy but loved. Much bread has been broken around it. As we say ‘Blessed are…
A moment of Christ
Olives. Bread. Everlasting, old. New, creation. Grown. Baked. Plucked down from a tree. Crafted by hands. For a Bitter Sweet moment. Left to mature. Worked into shape. Becoming a moment of life. As a moment of grace – like Christ on the earth. Like all beautiful partnerships; The two do not belong together for long.
Make Bread, not War
Make Bread not War. If you receive the weekly news sheet from the Diocese, ‘StAR’, you’ll notice a proliferation of services, vigils and the like for today, tomorrow and the coming weeks to mark the beginning of the First World War. And here we are celebrating Lammas, Loaf-mass, Make Bread not War. It makes me…
Beit Lahem – The House of Bread
Midnight Mass 2013: Beit Lahem – The House of Bread. It’s not Christmas without the ‘Christmas Special’. Call me old and past it if you like, but – they don’t make them like the used to! Except perhaps for Dr. Who and we’ll have to wait till the evening of Christmas Day for that. The…
Harvest Festivities
This was shown at the harvest service, someone commented that it always seemed to be sunny in the vicarage garden.
Various Items of Food
Well it is our harvest on Sunday. The grain has been milled into flour, if all goes well… by tomorrow I should have a (literally) home grown loaf! The Chillies are now chilli marmalade, some others are almost chilli jelly. Fairtrade cadbury’s is just mmmmmm…. FairTrade Cadbury’s Dairy Milk
Harvest – Progress
I have separated the ‘wheat’ from the ‘chaff’, just be letting the wind do its thing, you really have to do it to understand the phrase in Psalm One But now I have a nice four ounces of wheat grain, there is probably just over that left to harvest eight ounces will make one loaf,…
Preparing for harvest
This is the first harvest of some wheat I grew this year as an experiment. I only grew a small patch, so harvesting when each stalk was ready was easy. It’s drying at the moment, but when ready I’ll be preparing it and grinding some flour. When all is harvested and prepared I hope to…
Brian was right
So was his mother… (well partly at least) I didn’t quite preach this last Sunday, but it was something similar, the following is pretty much the thinking behind it, albeit done after the event in true Primary/Secondary Theological fashion. Monty Python’s Life of Brian may have been one of those films which invoked passions of…