Tag: cardiff

  • What you see

    Can you hear the cry of the city? ‘ Big Issue ‘ ‘ Big Issue ‘ Is the cry of the street vendor and they are right, there are so many Big Issues.  And Yet,  There is a way of walking in the city, purposeful, focussed, absent.  Does the ‘Shelter Cymru’ fund-raiser, (with the red…

  • What they say: And what they mean

    I was clearing out the virtual desk and found this from our last college revue, it certainly made my afternoon!! Essay Feedback:  What they say: And what they mean!

  • away from the desk

    I’ve finally done it. I’ve switched it off. Now i’ll have to go away!

  • Return to reality

    Back for a reality check for a few days. This isn’t to last … off to clergy conference next week. As John says, everything seems to go wrong when you go away, well not so much for me, but life in the parish has become busy to say the least, even though we won’t be…

  • Back to College

    We, that is the Deacons in Wales who were ordained this year, are back in college for a few days. It is certainly strange being back, I did not envisage missing much, yet the nostalgia attached to being here is certainly quite unsettling. I think it must be the lack of being on show, able…

  • You got up at what time?

    This time two weeks ago I was on a train near Carlisle. Not an inspiring place to be, but on the way to a far better place… Glasgow , after that Oban (for a night) and eventually later the next day to Iona. Getting up at stupid o’clock to catch the early train to Crewe…

  • Romanticism

    Cycling slowly along the Taff, river bubbling happily along in no hurry, just like me today. It’s half term, kids out of school, you might think there would be a riot at home, but no, not too bad! Two hours of blissful Christology, and off to the library for a little light reading on myth…

  • The Cardiff Bay Lightship

    In 1988 the churches in Cardiff were called together by the Cardiff Bay Development Corporation to discuss the role of Christianity in the bay area. The churches were seen as playing an important part in the community and should be involved at the very hub of the new developments. To this end Helwick LV14 was…