Tag: climate change

  • an ark for Epiphany

    Trying to keep up with the promise I made to finish books before buying others, I realise that I am way behind on that score already. Reading yesterdays entry from ‘All Saints’ late, but in keeping with the season, Epiphany. (See Maggi Dawn’s comments on that subject!) Lanza del Vasto a modern prophet and ‘Noah’…

  • Angry Mermaid

  • G20 Voice

    Connect with those blogging on the G20 Summit

  • Politely Protesting

    The police were concerned that more than 500 protestors at a time might prove to be a ‘health and safety issue’ So we very politely and reverently laid the coffins of our climate at the feet of EON, who are planning a new Coal-Fired Power station, whilst committing to keep campaigning towards the Copenhagen meeting…