Tag: eucharist
The Unfinished Story
About a Boy finally finishes, or not, as the title suggests… My Easter reflections on the final scene of the film.
no lightening bolts…
I was jumped upon to lead a little prayer time and impromptu Eucharist last night, fortunately I had my phoneand therefore access to this meditation which I used as a prayer of blessing with a few on the spot changes to include the wine. No lightening bolts as yet – so I’m guessing I’m safe!!
Hands on the rail (Part two)
I promised myself, see original post after hearing a priest talk about the hands that are open the communion rail, that I would reflect on this whilst distributing the sacrament. I did this a few weeks ago and was quite surprised by the results. Not that I should have been really… It only really works…
Blessed Bread
I had been thinking about bread and its blessing during the Eucharist, came across a rubric from a Roman Mass which said (after the Hebrew Prayer, Blessed are you Lord God of all creation etc) “Now the Priest takes the Bread, which is now Christ’s Body” Interesting, so the Hebrew prayer is enough words, that…
I am becoming increasingly concerned, as we near the climax of the consumerist year, about relationships between all sorts of things. Reading the latest Resurgence reminded me of our relationship to food which can be as much about how we deal with others as it is with fueling our bodies. This is intrinsically linked to…
I was at St Luke’s yesterday morning. It is quite an Anglo-catholic church and so I was part of the altar party being a sub-deacon or something wearing more robes than I ever thought possible! Anyway, that is not the important part. At the distribution of the elements, I was to give out the bread…