Tag: fear

  • y gwir trwy’r gwyll

    A dark fear grips. Masks of  pain and suffering hidden  from view distanced.  Thin cloth, veils, separates. Barely visible, breath  becomes lost confidence  in setting out emerging  unfolding unraveling  the tangle of tied up lock  downs within ourselves to  undo the stepping back  withdrawing of past hurts.  Time to heal, forgive,  allow the letting go,…

  • A light and a fear

    High above the gloom of a valley shrouded in the orange glow of neon a misty halo surrounds an old light. Captivating, white with its bright against black skies no others dare invade light enough for now. To lead. She rises over the distant hill. Drawing the wonder Is it brighter on the other side?…

  • breaking the walls of fear

    breaking the walls of fear

    I finally heard my first Cuckoo of the year this last week as the Clychau’r Gog (Bluebells – lit. Cuckoo bells) ring in her arrival in glorious carpets of blue.  The arrival of the cuckoo seemed to inspire a number of welsh plant names whose emergence is timed with the arrival of our elusive spring…