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Tag: hills
An Extraordinary Ordinary Morning
The season of Epiphany continues and we are gently encouraged to pay attention these January days in this playful discourse between Nathaniel, Philip and Jesus In our Gospel reading today from John 1. 43-51 (Can anything good come out of Nazareth? well, Come and see!) The story moves quickly from the ordinary – sitting under…
Unfortunately the governments extra money for promoting cycling probably wont make it to Holywell, (it would have to include lifts for hills anyway!) I doubt it would speed up the return of the battery for the electric bike anyway – it has gone back for repair, already!!
A little ray …
… of sunshine, (apart from the delightful parishoners comments after Sunday’s morning prayer service!!) Since all it has done today was rain, (and on a funeral day too!!) it was nice to have some good news. The RB in it’s wisdom has felt it appropriate (given the circumstances) to allow a slight change to the…