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Tag: Jesus
The Jesus – Jerusalem / Prada – Paris dilemma
I want to offer you an image, a tableaux, a freeze frame image if you like from The Devil Wears Prada. Andrea is standing in the road with Nate her boyfriend, or I should say, just about to be ex-boyfriend. She has to make a choice. She has been offered a chance to go to…
Moments of clarity at the well of life
Everyone I suspect has had at least one experience in their life which changes them. A seminal moment if you like, or a moment of clarity. I have had a number of them, and it’s not that i’ve been going looking, they don’t seem to happen if you intentionally go out to have one –…
A Multicultural Christmas? – it's nothing new!
It is said that this country is only nominally Christian and that there are places in the UK where Christianity is a minority religion. Of course Christianity has been a minority religion in other countries since the time of Christ. Neither is the recent persecution of Christians anything new, though the portrayal in news items…
Just Gardening
I was gardening. Just that. Strimming the overgrown grass, revealing the flowers that had been planted along the labyrinth path in the churchyard. It always had a queer sort of fascination with the locals, seeing someone tending something new, something unexpected and many would stop and chat, poking good humoured fun or questioning why. On…
Maundy Thursday
We met with the young people, walked, talked awhile, then shared some food. Not too dissimilar to that last Passover of Jesus, so I wrote this in the style of John Bell and Graham Maule Eh, Jesus?
On the sofa with Will Freeman
After writing this for Passion Sunday, during the service I noticed that all the collects, prayerlets and general liturgical material for Passiontide was about getting closer to Jesus. Well, I had the distinct opposite impression from the readings, that at this point, Jesus is turning his face more towards the cross and the Disciples are…