Tag: Jesus

  • The Jesus – Jerusalem / Prada – Paris dilemma

    The Jesus – Jerusalem / Prada – Paris dilemma

    I want to offer you an image, a tableaux, a freeze frame image if you like from The Devil Wears Prada.  Andrea is standing in the road with Nate her boyfriend, or I should say, just about to be ex-boyfriend.  She has to make a choice.  She has been offered a chance to go to […]

  • Moments of clarity at the well of life

    Moments of clarity at the well of life

    Everyone I suspect has had at least one experience in their life which changes them.  A seminal moment if you like, or a moment of clarity.  I have had a number of them, and it’s not that i’ve been going looking, they don’t seem to happen if you intentionally go out to have one – […]

  • A Multicultural Christmas? – it's nothing new!

    It is said that this country is only nominally Christian and that there are places in the UK where Christianity is a minority religion.  Of course Christianity has been a minority religion in other countries since the time of Christ.  Neither is the recent persecution of Christians anything new, though the portrayal in news items […]

  • Just Gardening

    I was gardening.  Just that.  Strimming the overgrown grass, revealing the flowers that had been planted along the labyrinth path in the churchyard.  It always had a queer sort of fascination with the locals, seeing someone tending something new, something unexpected and many would stop and chat, poking good humoured fun or questioning why.  On […]

  • Maundy Thursday

    We met with the young people, walked, talked awhile, then shared some food. Not too dissimilar to that last Passover of Jesus, so I wrote this in the style of John Bell and Graham Maule Eh, Jesus?

  • On the sofa with Will Freeman

    After writing this for Passion Sunday, during the service I noticed that all the collects, prayerlets and general liturgical material for Passiontide was about getting closer to Jesus. Well, I had the distinct opposite impression from the readings, that at this point, Jesus is turning his face more towards the cross and the Disciples are […]