Tag: justice

  • Sabbath Rest?  Coda!

    Sabbath Rest? Coda!

    They say God left the best till last. I’m not talking about the humans, created as our genesis narrative would have us think on the sixth day, at the 11th hour.  Better throw something into the mix to stir it up a bit.  It’s all a bit too perfect.  Closing time never offers the finest…

  • be christian sunday

    Alternatively:  Racial Justice Sunday! Racial Justice Sunday is yet another sunday during the year set aside for a particular cause.  I often wonder why we are still in need of such sundays?  How about we just have a ‘be christian sunday’ or a ‘Follow christ’s teaching for once sunday’ and be done with it.  What…

  • Justice through radical compassion

    Keith Hebden, Priest in Mansfield: “author of “Seeking Justice: The Radical Compassion of Jesus”. This website is being developed to support those who want to find ways to build a new world in the shell of the old one in their neighbourhoods.” compasionistas.net is a website resource for all those seeking justice for folk in…

  • Standing in the place of Privilege

    This idea began with the most basic and necessary of human needs, the loo! And why not! It is often when we are at our most vulnerable, backs against the wall, cornered like a rat that we are able as part of our in-built human instinct to react, call it fight or flight if you…

  • Little Saint nick(ed)

    Well, not quite, but trying to deliver presents to children at Yarlswood detention centre, St. Nicolas and Rev’d Professor Nicholas Sagovsky, Canon Theologian at Westminster Abbey were stopped from entering to deliver the gifts to those children held there who the Government has said should only ever be held as “a last resort” see BBC…

  • Weight of the World

    I know it’s not good to dwell on impossible questions, however, there may be an answer to this one.  I don’t think it would be easy to get though, it would mean everyone being honest, no, really honest!! So, What is the weight of the world?  Not its mass, that, according to google is: mass…

  • Umeed Partnership

    I’ve undertaken the ‘small task’ of looking after the website of a local charity, the Umeed Partnership.  I have had links with some of those involved from days in Bangor.  As well as the website, Umeed now has a Facebook page.  Umeed provides opportunities for disadvantaged women and children in Pakistan.  You can help by…

  • Do we care about a chicken or not?

    So do we care about Chickens or not, Free range eggs are into the basket from the Office of National Statistics, but so is Rotisserie Chicken one of the worst offenders when it comes to cheap mass produced chicken at a ridiculously low price!!  See Hugh’s page on Chicken welfare!!

  • Politely Protesting

    The police were concerned that more than 500 protestors at a time might prove to be a ‘health and safety issue’ So we very politely and reverently laid the coffins of our climate at the feet of EON, who are planning a new Coal-Fired Power station, whilst committing to keep campaigning towards the Copenhagen meeting…

  • A day for good news

    Cadbury Dairy Milk and the Fairtrade Foundation !!