Tag: justice

  • The Corrymeela Community

    Founded in 1965 Corrymeela’s objective has always been, and continues to be, promoting reconciliation and peace-building through the healing of social, religious and political divisions in Northern Ireland. Corrymeela’s history is built upon a committed work with individuals and communities which have suffered through the violence and polarisation of the Northern Irish conflict. Our vision…

  • The Taize Community

    Taizé, in the south of Burgundy, France, is the home of an international, ecumenical community, founded there in 1940 by Brother Roger. The brothers are committed for their whole life to material and spiritual sharing, to celibacy, and to a great simplicity of life. Today, the community is made up of over a hundred brothers,…

  • The Iona Community

    is an ecumenical Christian community of men and women from different walks of life and different traditions in the Christian church that is committed to seeking new ways of living the gospel of Jesus Christ in today’s world. www.iona.org.uk

  • John Davies Blog

    Notes from a small curate (now a priest) Updated regularly from a parish in Liverpool.   www.johndavies.org

  • Greenbelt Festival

    Greenbelt is an independent Christian charity working to express love, creativity and justice in the arts and contemporary culture in the light of the Christian gospel. www.greenbelt.org.uk