Tag: Leaving

  • Shaking off the dust on The Way

    Knowing when to stay, knowing when to leave is one of the most challenging invitations for discernment that we will ever encounter and no this is not about the politics shenanigans surrounding the dreaded ‘b’ word.  When is it time to move on, to shake the dust from your feet and to continue on the […]

  • Leaving assembly

    Not just the leaving prayer this year but a whole 5 minutes. Cue balloons. You will need one modelling balloon, preferably a long one, and a pump. Blow it up all the way taking about how we fill ourselves with information over the year. Then let it go, (the children love this bit) and mention […]

  • Going away

    It’s funny the rain, when you’re going away, driving you backwards making you stay. Each raindrop a something forgotten to do, or just one more phone call, or visit or two. Leaving you heavy with burdens behind, yet, given time, evaporates away – much like the worries and cares of the day. So I’m leaving, […]

  • Leaving Prayer

    Roll out the Vicar…   my contribution to our leavers service in the school. A Leaving Prayer God we pray: May you who leave this place: Take with you every blessing you have received here: Blessings of friendship Blessings of memories Blessings of knowledge And may you who leave here today to begin a new […]

  • Out with the old

    It is never as strange as you might seem leaving a place of work and then going back to it the very next week to continue what you were supposed to leave. Everyone says goodbye, you get the card and (actually a very nice bottle of whisky) and off you toddle. Strange then when you […]