Tag: light

  • An Extraordinary Ordinary Morning

    The season of Epiphany continues and we are gently encouraged to pay attention these January days in this playful discourse between Nathaniel, Philip and Jesus In our Gospel reading today from John 1. 43-51 (Can anything good come out of Nazareth? well, Come and see!) The story moves quickly from the ordinary – sitting under…

  • A light and a fear

    High above the gloom of a valley shrouded in the orange glow of neon a misty halo surrounds an old light. Captivating, white with its bright against black skies no others dare invade light enough for now. To lead. She rises over the distant hill. Drawing the wonder Is it brighter on the other side?…

  • the way, was slightly diverted for a time

      I was distracted from writing by an excellent few days, but I did pen this – almost as it was happening. The course material started this train of thought, focusing on who we are… There is a chapel atop a rocky outcrop near St. Beuno’s, the key to which is normally on the hook…