Tag: paper

  • Resurrected – Paper

    This is the message printed on the back of our Easter Service books, hot off the press today!! Well, at least one person found it amusing when I wrote it, we’ll have to wait and see what the general consensus is.  (The paper is covered in plastic, so no contamination is possible)  You too can…

  • Ashes to ashes…

    …dust to dust! My study employs an open cast filing system.  So much so that as I’m preparing to move this Lent, it seems a great opportunity to clear the rubble and gather only the important things after the dust has settled.  Lent of course is a great time to do this.  Rather than throw…

  • Heathrow

    It seems a little surreal sitting in a hotel lounge typing this, nevertheless it was rather good to have complimentary copies of the Independent – it seems to be a rather good paper, I do remember blogging about never wanting to read another paper for a while because of the lack of ‘good news!’ After…