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Tag: wine
Ordinary – extraordinary
Before indulging in the Johannine wedding feast we ought to set this story in its January context, why it is told during epiphany. We begin to celebrate the Epiphany on 6th January, a festival which arose in the second century, largely in response to Greek and Hellenic festivals noting the position of the star Sirius,…
I’m a sucker for a bottle of wine with a good pedigree, so this one just had to come off the shelf! Longue Dog! Evensong over, bottle open, feet up! Ahhh…
Elderberry wine
There really isn’t very much to see, smells good though, actually it smells like a pub after a heavy night of drinking, (yeasty, alcohol-ness) which is about right I guess. I didn’t add any extra yeast it just got going on its own. According to calculations from many and various places it should be ready…