Category: Amelia Farm

  • Amelia Farm Day? Sorry lost count!

    Yesterday one of the workers asked me if I would be willing to conduct a service for a renewal of his marriage vows… Any minister can do this, so why me? Because you believe in something understandable and, well, believable! Casting my mind back I do recall a hasty conversation about God not being ‘in…

  • Amelia Farm Day 5

    One week down, three to go! Curry, burgers and sauce with a field of rice – was what they cooked today in their ‘life skills class’ yummy. After a week on the farm I am getting a sense of alienation from the different groups working there. It is by no means one group working together.…

  • Amelia Farm Day 4

    Spent the morning with Key stage 3, that’s the senior school age group before GCSE / O levels for those like me who know nothing! These kids properly organised should be in mainstream school, albeit in an HDU, and all the schools they were from had them! What is going on! Why do we not…

  • Amelia Farm Day 3

    Kayaking today! Me, an instructor and three kids. It was different seeing them away from the farm setting, they were out and about, enjoying themselves, but learning on the sly! There is a good rapport between the kids we had today, not fighting or winding each other up which is a blessing! It is transformational…

  • Amelia Farm Day 2

    Different day same … well not really every day is different from the last in every way! The morning was spent making a wooden tree guard, but without kids, a little disappointing from my point of view, but not to worry! However the afternoon was interesting, digging holes with reluctant kids. They got involved eventually…

  • Amelia Farm Day 1

    You know, it’s strange, when you think you have had many experiences which chart life, and can’t really think of much which will really inspire or challenge, (not in an arrogant way, but especially when you are not expecting it) then one comes along which smacks you between the eyes. Today I was being driven…

  • Summer

    The choice of a summer placement was mine so how was I to know that the majority of people did a church based placement. Was there some unwritten code which stated that you had to have a placement in a parish? Something to do with preparation for ministry. So I chose not to choose a…