Category: Food

  • Bread for Today

    Bread for Today

    Today we celebrate ‘Lammas’.  It is not something you are going to be overly familiar with unless you have come across it on an old calendar of the seasons.  It marks the beginning of Harvest, traditionally the wheat harvest.  Lammas means Loaf Mass.  At the beginning of the harvest the workers would gather together, bake…

  • On sharing a little

    It’s not much, it won’t feed them all, but it’s all I have.  Sorry, I should have brought more, but this is all there was.  But, before I give it to you – Can I just say?  That’s my lunch.  I know.  It is a little odd.  But I like bread and fish.  Oily fish…

  • A Sanctuary and a Light

    A Sanctuary and a Light

    Church Hostel Bangor is up for sale.  aka The Anglican Chaplaincy, more affectionately: AngChap or simply for those of us who lived and worked there ‘home from home’. We were always walking a tightrope whilst juggling the twin identities of this place, Hostel and Chaplaincy.  Whether doing the accounts and applying for money, or justifying…

  • Make Bread, not War

    Make Bread, not War

    Make Bread not War.  If you receive the weekly news sheet from the Diocese, ‘StAR’, you’ll notice a proliferation of services, vigils and the like for today, tomorrow and the coming weeks to mark the beginning of the First World War.  And here we are celebrating Lammas, Loaf-mass,  Make Bread not War.  It makes me…

  • Day 49 – Foodbank Challenge

    As day 49 of the food bank challenge comes to a close, it’s time for a biblical jubilee. Beginning again on 5th march as Lent begins and #EndHungerFAST gets up to speed…

  • Beit Lahem – The House of Bread

    Midnight Mass 2013:  Beit Lahem – The House of Bread. It’s not Christmas without the ‘Christmas Special’.  Call me old and past it if you like, but – they don’t make them like the used to!  Except perhaps for Dr. Who and we’ll have to wait till the evening of Christmas Day for that.  The…

  • When in Glasgow…

    When in Glasgow, it would be rude not to partake of local delicacies.  Arrive at Central station, exit onto Gordon St.  Turn left, head for the fireman, cross the road ahead of you  and you’ll find a purveyor of fine goods such as pictured here.  Nothing quite like a haggis after a long day’s meeting!

  • Forget the box, I want what's inside!

    Early on Easter morn, just before dawn, as the chorus of birds are beginning, all over the land children rush down to the breakfast table to see how much chocolate they have conned various relatives into buying this year! Later that afternoon, cardboard and foil wrappers litter the living room floor, discarded in favour of…

  • Chalkies Cheese

    The ‘hiraeth’ was running strong today as we sampled some suspicious looking cheese from Pen Llyn.  The cheese looked and smelled like an old acquaintance, the taste tantalisingly familiar.  Here, ten years on was the matured spirit of ‘chalkies cheese’  John and his wife kept goats, Daphne made the cheese, it sold phenomenally well.  In…

  • First shoots

    First shoots

    A lovely surprise greeted me this morning as I glanced over to the propagator, only two days in and a fresh radish shoot has stretched for the light. I think that must be some sort of record for me. It is reassuring to think that, even though it is only mid-January there is new life…