Category: Food

  • Food for the millions

    …and not just for the starving either.  Last night on BBC2 Jimmy Doherty investigated ways of feeding the planet for the future, staring in Brazil, he visited farmers trying innovative ways of providing food from fields growing soy on an unbelievable scale to farming caipon, a native species of crocodile.  I must admit being rather…

  • cheese-burger a day

    Well according to those who know these things, we should all be eating more! MORE !!! I can’t help but think this is just another little ruse to get people spending a little more – after all any economic activity is good for the economy, even gym memberships! Those who need to eat more will…

  • Various Items of Food

    Well it is our harvest on Sunday. The grain has been milled into flour, if all goes well…   by tomorrow I should have a (literally) home grown loaf! The Chillies are now chilli marmalade, some others are almost chilli jelly. Fairtrade cadbury’s is just mmmmmm…. FairTrade Cadbury’s Dairy Milk

  • Elderberry wine

    There really isn’t very much to see, smells good though, actually it smells like a pub after a heavy night of drinking, (yeasty, alcohol-ness) which is about right I guess.  I didn’t add any extra yeast it just got going on its own.  According to calculations from many and various places it should be ready…

  • Harvest – Progress

    I have separated the ‘wheat’ from the ‘chaff’,  just be letting the wind do its thing, you really have to do it to understand the phrase in Psalm One But now I have a nice four ounces of wheat grain, there is probably just over that left to harvest eight ounces will make one loaf,…

  • Preparing for harvest

    This is the first harvest of some wheat I grew this year as an experiment.  I only grew a small patch, so harvesting when each stalk was ready was easy.  It’s drying at the moment, but when ready I’ll be preparing it and grinding some flour.  When all is harvested and prepared I hope to…

  • Chicken

    For all the KFC and other chicken derivative meat product fans

  • Bored on Monday

  • Maundy Thursday

    We met with the young people, walked, talked awhile, then shared some food. Not too dissimilar to that last Passover of Jesus, so I wrote this in the style of John Bell and Graham Maule Eh, Jesus?

  • Do we care about a chicken or not?

    So do we care about Chickens or not, Free range eggs are into the basket from the Office of National Statistics, but so is Rotisserie Chicken one of the worst offenders when it comes to cheap mass produced chicken at a ridiculously low price!!  See Hugh’s page on Chicken welfare!!