Category: Green living

  • Spinning

    This project started a long time ago!! Plans for the spinning wheel are now here. Now that it has been built, there is the need to test it… Turns out it works quite well, it has so far turned part of a fleece into the beginnings of a pair of socks!!  I might have a…

  • an ark for Epiphany

    Trying to keep up with the promise I made to finish books before buying others, I realise that I am way behind on that score already. Reading yesterdays entry from ‘All Saints’ late, but in keeping with the season, Epiphany. (See Maggi Dawn’s comments on that subject!) Lanza del Vasto a modern prophet and ‘Noah’…

  • Don't talk to me about Christmas…

    However, this did arrive this morning… If you are quick, you might the last one from Fair Grounds though you may have to email as it is not on their online shop!! Apparently there are shepherds and sheep coming next year.

  • Weight of the World

    I know it’s not good to dwell on impossible questions, however, there may be an answer to this one.  I don’t think it would be easy to get though, it would mean everyone being honest, no, really honest!! So, What is the weight of the world?  Not its mass, that, according to google is: mass…

  • Various Items of Food

    Well it is our harvest on Sunday. The grain has been milled into flour, if all goes well…   by tomorrow I should have a (literally) home grown loaf! The Chillies are now chilli marmalade, some others are almost chilli jelly. Fairtrade cadbury’s is just mmmmmm…. FairTrade Cadbury’s Dairy Milk

  • Elderberry wine

    There really isn’t very much to see, smells good though, actually it smells like a pub after a heavy night of drinking, (yeasty, alcohol-ness) which is about right I guess.  I didn’t add any extra yeast it just got going on its own.  According to calculations from many and various places it should be ready…

  • Close to the Land

    I’ve been reading around the subject of community farms recently and via a few references ended up reading Walter Brueggemann’s book,  ‘The Land, Place as Gift, Promise, and Challenge in Biblical Faith’ All this has led me perilously close (close, but not quite) to John’s area of expertise – Psychogeography.  I noticed John is talking…

  • G20 Voice

    Connect with those blogging on the G20 Summit

  • Do we care about a chicken or not?

    So do we care about Chickens or not, Free range eggs are into the basket from the Office of National Statistics, but so is Rotisserie Chicken one of the worst offenders when it comes to cheap mass produced chicken at a ridiculously low price!!  See Hugh’s page on Chicken welfare!!

  • Politely Protesting

    The police were concerned that more than 500 protestors at a time might prove to be a ‘health and safety issue’ So we very politely and reverently laid the coffins of our climate at the feet of EON, who are planning a new Coal-Fired Power station, whilst committing to keep campaigning towards the Copenhagen meeting…