Category: living lightly

  • Sloes, mountains and turbines

    This cannot surely be the shortest route – via Wrexham for Llangurig, but we got there.  A number of great discoveries later, an Azada being one of them, great for the back, great for the garden.  You always see them in the background on films about agriculture in Africa, the forked version – great for…

  • Hedgerow Harvest

    Two weeks ago the elderberries looking like they wanted a week of sunshine, this week most were ripe for picking! Haws and sloes, damsons and blackberries went in the bag for good measure. Hedgerow jam is on the cards, a few sloes might find their way into some vodka by the sound of it. I’ve…

  • On moving

    Faced with packing ones stuff away to move it is so tempting to throw everything out and start again with the bare essentials, (of course we’ll all argue about what is really essential) however that seems just a little wasteful if not buying in to the consumerist trend.  What we did do, was get rid…