Category: Monthly Pic

  • March

    March is the right word, the year is fast-moving!!  This month shows the first signs of Garlic Mustard, a fantastic plant for pesto and it’s everywhere this year – get it while it lasts!!  The young leaves are the best. See Plants for a Future database for more information!

  • February

    And winter is now settling in!  Though the trees have arrived, Bardsey apple among them, the ground is perhaps just soft enough to plant along with brooms and bamboo and other such tree delights.  Seeds are sprouting on the windowsill – the promise of a new bounty.

  • September


    Greenbelt over, school looming.  Is there much to look forward to save for the usual autumnal festivities?  It’s no good thinking that the year is over before its time, there is much to enjoy and get on with.  Elderberries are glistening their deep purple hue, and other fruits are literally falling off the bushes.  A…

  • August

    Well balmy August days are here again, what better way to vent ones frustration at the world than with a quick riot… Just ended up as an excuse to fuel the greed, rather than a true expression of anger against the authorities. Such empty lives into which consumerist values and societal pressures have poured resulting…

  • May

    Holidays, holidays, holidays… it’s all there seems to be, what with the long weekend for Easter, ‘the Wedding’ weekend, and at the end of may – school half term and the Spring Bank Holiday. What with the annual ‘Cadi Ha’ on the 7th at Holywell and Caerwys once again this year, the winter blues have…

  • April

    Another month has come and almost gone, an April which started as it should, showers and ended as a premature June.  It’s hot and sultry, the Asparagus are up and loving it – not to be eaten till next year is the mantra as I pass their bed.  New recipes discovered this year so far…

  • March

    … is almost over again …  but there are many chillies, broad beans and potatoes happily growing …

  • February

    Mmmmm Marmalade, the unmistakable smell of Seville oranges simmering in the oven is wafting around the garden this week. It is time for the greenhouse to be up, but a piano and a minibus put paid to that for this week at least. Ibuprofen and heat-rub are rushing off the shelves, along with everything else,…

  • January

    The end of this last year brought many visitors to our garden, most notable, the Fieldfare and the woodpecker (lesser spotted) There was another strange visitor which we’ve yet to identify (pic below). There were of course the usual suspects as well. This is due mostly to remembering to fill up the birdfeeders, though the…

  • December


    Ok, Ok, so it’s half way through December, which means that the yearly culmination to spending frenzy is almost upon us and there is little time for so much as a thought about much else – except of course, planting a hedge – what else would you want to do in such delightful weather.  When…