
Mmmmm Marmalade, the unmistakable smell of Seville oranges simmering in the oven is wafting around the garden this week. It is time for the greenhouse to be up, but a piano and a minibus put paid to that for this week at least. Ibuprofen and heat-rub are rushing off the shelves, along with everything else, the Co-op is closing. I wrote them a cross letter; they are still closing. The shoots are up and wanting to be outside, but there is nowhere for them to go, so they will just have to wait on the windowsill along with the seed potatoes awaiting their chits. We are told the Groundhog will see no shadow this year – an early spring warmth at last, the broad beans are wanting some of that, and it might force the purple sprouting into production. While the cold remains and the back aches, the marmalade is not going to last long in the jar – especially not the ones with a good dose of Penderyn!

~ rhannu os ti isio ~ do share ~





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