Category: Poetry

  • Alban Hefin Summer Solstice

    Coda, distewi, synfyfyrio yng nghanol yr haf dros yr olygfa ymlaen ac yn ôl cyn disgynnol Rise up, becalm, contemplateat midsummer the view ahead behind before descending

  • Alban Eilir – Spring Equinox

    Arhoswch a gwyliwchy gad llonydd daearu troi heibio am orffwys.cymododd trwy farwolaeth aileni Watch and wait the letting goearthed laid out to restreconciled through death reborn

  • Clychau Mair – Snowdrops for Candlemas

    Gwydn ond gostyngedig gyda’i pen i lawr yn erbyn y gaeaf gwyllt. Fel bydwragedd canant hyw: ‘Mae’n gerllaw’ Determined but humble with heads hung low against the wild winter. As midwife they sing: ‘It is at hand’

  • Flesh for the Word

    The Word became Wisdom and lived among us : but foolishly we missed its simplicity. So the Word became Light and lived among us : but we smothered its flame. Then Word became Truth and lived among us : but we disbelieved its sincerity. And the Word became Hope and lived among us : but…

  • Just the shoes

    Was it you that day? I forgot to ask your name on the steps – you fell backwards, I turned too late.  You, crumpled cracked head at my feet. We wait together on the steps for help to come, head cradled in my lap crying out for your shoe. It came off. I guess, I don’t recall,…

  • Leaf. Grief.

    I tried to preserve your haunting autumn song in laminate but could not capture the shape and curl of your last flame that flickered down and caught my eye lying bright new fallen on the earth. So I removed, carefully, the layers of film which rendered your form inanimate. My clumsy interruption of decay stalled…

  • The middle way

    I imagine you walking the opposite way arriving at the marker post from the other direction. Disappearing into tussocks, sunk deep into the sodden landscape. Swallowed up or sucked down. Visible for a brief moment then gone.  Like signposts in life. A brief moment of brightness that leaves an image greying into the mists of…

  • On returning

    On returning an ancient door spills light onto the space within. Quietness envelops those who tread here. It is a step back to where no troubles have occurred. No death only transition. Mismatched glass seems strangely unbroken in an alcove eastward window atop hangs a sacred heart for the love which moves us beyond our…

  • y gwir trwy’r gwyll

    A dark fear grips. Masks of  pain and suffering hidden  from view distanced.  Thin cloth, veils, separates. Barely visible, breath  becomes lost confidence  in setting out emerging  unfolding unraveling  the tangle of tied up lock  downs within ourselves to  undo the stepping back  withdrawing of past hurts.  Time to heal, forgive,  allow the letting go,…

  • William Morgan – Tŷ Mawr Wybrnant

    Will Tŷ Mawr, not William Morgan but the former custodian of the house that saw William Morgan (Esgob) to birth: As we sat in his kitchen at Wybrnant he recalls ‘they keep bringing us bibles – what do we want with them here? And I’m, taken to the old parlor where a large cupboard stands; it…