Category: Poetry

  • Solstice Pilgrims

    Emmanuel, come. Mary. Emmanuel. This fourth Sunday of Advent at the solstice, the shortest of days in the year when we yearn for the the light to return as others suffer the dire consequences of too much heat. The injustice of it all. And I feel like switching it all off and not knowing, but…

  • If we had but a glimpse…

    After the Eco-Retreat at Cae Mabon this past weekend… Pe caem gipolwg yn unig ar y byd fel lle gorffwys, a fyddem wedi ein cyfareddu gan y stori sanctaidd? Wedi ein hanrhydeddu wrth i fywyd cyfan droi’n ddiwrnod o baratoi. Yna, efallai y down yn gyd-grëwyr y wawr, gan ailddychmygu’n ddwyfol gelfyddyd a harddwch coll…

  • Women of the Passion

    Women of the Passion. Women of the Passion is a series of ten reflections on an image created by Chloe in chalk-pastel. Originally separate, now gathered here in one place to read in sequence. The second image was the result of a moment’s inspiration and serendipitous sunlight through a window onto the picture. Who is…

  • Autumn Despair, Spring Hope

    You wept bitterly in the early autumn sun. Golden tears turned from the sky earthed. Your glorious array of colour vibrant life Littered away in a stray breeze released. Grieving the splendour once a majestic arch stands alone bereft. Mourning life stood proud in the sun now desolate carpet of decay. The last goodness leaches…

  • Candlemas Bells

    If there were a flower for prophecy it would be the snow-white bells arriving early in time for Candlemas arrogant even a brash flower cutting through the cold earth it comes resilient, hardy. Beauty beguiles its strength. Amidst the darkness expectant of the warmth to come our instinct is to light candles. An incandescent dream.…

  • The Green Man of Ffynnon Mair – sleeps

    Ffynnon Mair is not hidden from view, but facing Enlli. Yet a visitor must approach her down a rugged cliff edge not made for humans passing by. No casual tourist turns up here for a sympathetic blessing. This is a hard place appropriate for Mary. The sea is caught on the rocks beneath, thrown up…

  • Lammas Bread

      Our table is covered in crumbs. I feel your disapproval growing as an unwelcome guest in our midst. Yet there are none such at this table. Even the disapproving are welcome to gather the crumbs under this table. Not untidy but loved. Much bread has been broken around it. As we say ‘Blessed are…

  • grief

    I have seen a glimpse of a place not yet, covered as if with glistening dew in the morning sun, being prepared for me to dwell in. I am not yet there. I am but a sapling learning how to grow in a new clearing when a tree falls. Emptiness around beckoning like an early…

  • Seed and Soil and Root

    Church Closed. Graveyard Open. Are only the dead welcome now? Standing in the quiet hills life around begins to emerge, or perhaps I being still of heart become aware of its presence. Amongst the flourishing grasses unknown wild flower seeds have come and put down their roots over which the occasional visitor treads. The walls…

  • Walking on

    As we begin the North Wales Pilgrim’s Way… Take off your shoes and walk a mile in mine Walk in step unknowing beside companions Walk slowly alongside those we nurture Walk with an offer of hospitality and sanctuary to those we meet Walk with the inspiration to take a lighter journey Walk with joy in…