Category: Uncategorized

  • Sloes, mountains and turbines

    This cannot surely be the shortest route – via Wrexham for Llangurig, but we got there.  A number of great discoveries later, an Azada being one of them, great for the back, great for the garden.  You always see them in the background on films about agriculture in Africa, the forked version – great for…

  • not here

    I’m not here.  I’m so small and insignificant that you will just pass me by without as much as the blinking an eyelid, in fact what you think is me is actually the blanket I am lying on.  I am but a figment of your imagination, so please ignore what your mind is telling you…

  • is free the opposite of heavy?

    Mr Rabeder who gave away his fortune thinks it is. Perhaps you might agree with him??

  • If you eat Chicken…

    Compassion in world Farming Chicken Video

  • Prayer with Pipe cleaners

    How does that work then???  Apparently, according to last nights youth service, you mould the pipe cleaner into the shape of the person you are praying about.  Hmmm, reverse voodoo then? I bent a few into prayer attitudes instead!

  • Meetings

    I was quite excited by this evenings meeting, not that I should really admit such things in public I guess, but hey, what the heck, it was really quite good. People were really behind all the community ventures going ahead, (pleased, as well, with the prospect of a refurbished church,) better facilities all round and…

  • Great North Run

    Ha, no not me, but the reluctant wife!! Well done on completing the course in 1:54:57,  under the target of 2 hours. She has probably raised about £2000 with her sister so far… More on her running blog

  • Shared ground

    This weekend was spent – around deaconal duties of course!! – at the new ground for Everton and Liverpool. I’m not sure either team will be happy with the new facilities, the new Anfield was far too far from the tea tent and Goodison sloped from the ‘play park’ end to the ‘bowling green’ end!…