Just a little gripe

You know, I don’t mind if people don’t like my sermon. Actually I would be quite offended if everyone did like it, normally that’s not the point, I’m not going to pander to the congregation’s every want!

What I do mind is people who don’t listen, get the wrong end of the stick and beat you with it at the back of the church. Mind you, this was only one person out of the three congregations I preached this harvest sermon to, so that’s not too bad going. It was also a shame because I was talking about missing the point quite a bit, ironic isn’t it!! Most people though, managed to keep their brain in gear for a while to work out why (as usual) I was being provocative.

Ah well, I’m preaching again next week …

~ rhannu os ti isio ~ do share ~






One response to “Just a little gripe”

  1. Kathryn Avatar

    If you stir people up with a sermon, at least you know they’ve been listening! Would love to have heard it… I can’t actually imagine you preaching for some reason. Maybe it’s coz I’m just so used to the two of us talking complete nonsence, while managing to fix the world problems at the same time! K x

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