Poor show tesco

After using Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall’s TV programme during the sermon last week to highlight environment Sunday and sugest what we can do, pointing people towards generous.org.uk and A Rocha. I thought I had better follow up my own advice and become a little more active in the campaign process.

I came across Hugh’s current project to oust battery chickens from Tesco, Hugh bought some shares, then, with some like minded shareholders put up a motion to ban battery farmed chicken from Tesco’s shelves. Of course, Tesco were having none of it, and asked Hugh to pay the 86,000 to produce the papers needed!!

Perhaps I am in the luxury position to choose where to shop and buy organic / free range, however… Tesco’s ought to do better for animal welfare and the health of the nation, let’s face it, battery farmed chicken tastes (groan) foul and is a disgrace to such a British institution as Tesco who claim to be oh so wonderful!!

Chicken Out! Campaign Sign-up

~ rhannu os ti isio ~ do share ~







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