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Tag: Church
Post Greenbelt 2017
Last weekend was Greenbelt Festival. In spiritual terms, for me at least, a time to stretch, to get up and be enriched once again. Not because I attended a long list of learned talks by significant theologians. I didn’t. And certainly not because I made a note of everything honourable that was said and done…
Last Sunday…
Dutifully looking up the readings for my last Sunday in the current parish, (Luke 13: 31-35) I was astonished to read the short passage – how apt for one leaving… The I noticed I was in John, not Luke. Uncanny though, how appropriate some of the words from John were!! Little children, I am with…
lazy sunday afternoon
If only we had a ramp, then I could have driven to the pulpit…
Whose Eyes? – Civic Service
I was never really sure about the annual Civic Service – that was until this year. It was – wait for it – actually quite good fun, well the preparation was anyway!! My talk, titled: ‘Whose Eyes?’
silence & news
i realised this morning it has been about 1 month since i last posted something here… Since i am sat waiting for a new tyre for my m/bike there was no excuse! News- we have finally gathered the cash together to transform the church in greenfield into a great community space. Mainly thanks to the…
Legacy of shame?
To be honest, my words were a little stronger than the title here this afternoon, however after mulling things over / steaming / ranting, it became obvious that the object of my frustration could not be truthfully a generalisation – therefore the following comments are (I would dearly wish to hope, but will probably be…
Hands on the rail (Part two)
I promised myself, see original post after hearing a priest talk about the hands that are open the communion rail, that I would reflect on this whilst distributing the sacrament. I did this a few weeks ago and was quite surprised by the results. Not that I should have been really… It only really works…
It’s still Epiphany – two weeks to go, so why are people in so much of a hurry to take down the seasonal decorations? – I’m holding out for Candlemass…
The Trees stand guard
This is a poor picture, I only had my phone on me – sorry about that!! I’ll have to return another day with a proper camera. The impression I get of these trees is one of sentries standing guard over whatever is at their centre, knarled fingers reaching out to catch the curious who might…
Back to Egypt
I’m sure most organisations suffer from this syndrome, it’s something which seems to effect everyone from time to time, ‘nothing must change’, ‘it was far better before’, the so called ‘Back to Egypt Brigade’ have been in full force recently. I caught the beginning of John Bell speaking at Greenbelt and reminded me of this…