Tag: community

  • Meetings

    I was quite excited by this evenings meeting, not that I should really admit such things in public I guess, but hey, what the heck, it was really quite good. People were really behind all the community ventures going ahead, (pleased, as well, with the prospect of a refurbished church,) better facilities all round and…

  • Small joys

    It is the little things that count! And sometimes there are not many to count, however at the end of a manic morning, the final baptism was a quiet affair, only about 20 people – just how I like them!! It wasn’t that that made it special.  The family were related to people I knew…

  • Is it just me or…

    In church, at intercessions. Let us pray etc… We pray for our church (followed by a list of events going on that week) after each event, (from one or two in the congregation): Yes Lord, oh yes Jesus. Specific prayers for the alpha course and the topic coming up response: Yes Lord, oh yes Jesus.…

  • A Rocha

    A Rocha is a Christian nature conservation organisation, our name coming from the Portuguese for “the Rock,” as the first initiative was a field study centre in Portugal. A Rocha is now a family of projects working in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, North and South America, Asia and Australasia. A Rocha projects are frequently…

  • The Corrymeela Community

    Founded in 1965 Corrymeela’s objective has always been, and continues to be, promoting reconciliation and peace-building through the healing of social, religious and political divisions in Northern Ireland. Corrymeela’s history is built upon a committed work with individuals and communities which have suffered through the violence and polarisation of the Northern Irish conflict. Our vision…

  • The Iona Community

    is an ecumenical Christian community of men and women from different walks of life and different traditions in the Christian church that is committed to seeking new ways of living the gospel of Jesus Christ in today’s world. www.iona.org.uk