Tag: death

  • Politely Protesting

    The police were concerned that more than 500 protestors at a time might prove to be a ‘health and safety issue’ So we very politely and reverently laid the coffins of our climate at the feet of EON, who are planning a new Coal-Fired Power station, whilst committing to keep campaigning towards the Copenhagen meeting…

  • Legacy of shame?

    To be honest, my words were a little stronger than the title here this afternoon, however after mulling things over / steaming / ranting, it became obvious that the object of my frustration could not be truthfully a generalisation – therefore the following comments are (I would dearly wish to hope, but will probably be…

  • The useful Romany

    Whilst walking quietly along to an internment (observing not doing) I was accosted by a delightful lady who wanted to know where the friary was – well, I told her, but of course she saw the collar – oh reverend, would you just… …half an hour of life story, of trials and tribulations, you would…

  • Funerals

    I conducted my first funeral yesterday. He was two and a half years old, but had lived a good life, mainly he liked running sleeping and eating. He was a little bad tempered at times and would often try to bite. RIP Joseph the hamster.