Tag: moving

  • On moving

    Faced with packing ones stuff away to move it is so tempting to throw everything out and start again with the bare essentials, (of course we’ll all argue about what is really essential) however that seems just a little wasteful if not buying in to the consumerist trend.  What we did do, was get rid…

  • March

    A month for moving. I walked a labyrinth yesterday. Something I’ve done many times before, however, as always with the labyrinth it is different every time. This was one of what I call the “proper ones” without modern distractions on the path! (they are good in their own way, but really don’t compete). As I…

  • Moving…

    It’s finally official!!! I will be moving to be vicar of the Parish of Llanasa and Ffynnongroyw sometime in February

  • Pastures New…

    Not physically, but I’ve now got a small corner to graze on Janey Lee Grace’s site Imperfectly Natural

  • 5 days to go…

    What is it about cardboard boxes that makes them hang about forever. I have tried to empty them, yet more seem to appear out of nowhere. Grumbling aside – (don’t get me started on the weather… it’s called Holywell cloud apparently.) it is good to be settled in one place for a while at least,…

  • No internet…

    Well, no internet, no phone, nothing… Ahh bliss… Until you discover the joys of the local library. The last few weeks were pretty much a rollercoaster, emotional and moving speed. Dashing up and down between Cardiff and Holywell as if it were just down the road, popping into Amelia Farm to say goodbye was difficult,…

  • Moved!

    Long time no blog Been all over actually in the past month. To Scotland for two weeks, then one week at home in North Wales, then a week of moving. Basically driving up and down the A470 with our stuff. I wish I could say this has been an enlightening experience, but actually it was…