Tag: nativity

  • December

    Avoiding the obvious this month of course, a new book on the shelf, Jerry Doherty on ‘A celtic model of ministry’ might be useful in the new parish when things get going – on that note we are slowly ‘house organising’  I’m certainly looking forward to the apples from the garden, it has a lovely […]

  • Don't talk to me about Christmas…

    However, this did arrive this morning… If you are quick, you might the last one from Fair Grounds though you may have to email as it is not on their online shop!! Apparently there are shepherds and sheep coming next year.

  • Liverpool Nativity

    Arrived home just in time for the Liverpool Nativity at 8pm last night on BBC3, (if you missed it it is on again next sunday on BBC1) Easter 2006 saw the Manchester Passion denounced as blasphemous, yet probably did more than any other easter story-telling to interest people in that story. So was the Liverpool […]