Tag: peace

  • In the crowd

    There in the crowd. A half smile, world weary but with gestures of warmth. There again. soft words a voice of understanding amidst pain. A slow pace. walking with empathy alongside broken hearts and damaged lives. Vulnerable, humble. Unarmed. For Pax Christi Peace Sunday 15th Jan 2017  Jn.1:29, 36

  • Politely Protesting

    The police were concerned that more than 500 protestors at a time might prove to be a ‘health and safety issue’ So we very politely and reverently laid the coffins of our climate at the feet of EON, who are planning a new Coal-Fired Power station, whilst committing to keep campaigning towards the Copenhagen meeting…

  • non-violence

    This mornings reflection was about non-violence and the work of Pax Christi. The aim of such reflections is, I guess to make us think, listening to the breakfast conversation following this it certainly provided food for thought. But the reference to the beatitudes was mentioned, blessed be the peace makers. A wonderful book by Elias…

  • The Corrymeela Community

    Founded in 1965 Corrymeela’s objective has always been, and continues to be, promoting reconciliation and peace-building through the healing of social, religious and political divisions in Northern Ireland. Corrymeela’s history is built upon a committed work with individuals and communities which have suffered through the violence and polarisation of the Northern Irish conflict. Our vision…

  • The Iona Community

    is an ecumenical Christian community of men and women from different walks of life and different traditions in the Christian church that is committed to seeking new ways of living the gospel of Jesus Christ in today’s world. www.iona.org.uk