Tag: Pilgrimage

  • In sight of Seriol

    In sight of Seriol

    Enlli, in memory only, as elusive as the silken light  which slips through the clouds of the morning.

  • Walking together for Creation Time

    Walking together for Creation Time

    The Orthodox Church year begins in September.  The first month, until the feast of Francis, patron of all things ecology, is dedicated to creation.  It is especially important to remember Creation Time this year as the worlds’ leaders prepare to meet in Paris in November for the 21st attempt to make a universal climate agreement. …

  • Trains, Chips & Pilgrimages

    Trains, Chips & Pilgrimages

    I’m sorry not to be joining the pilgrims on the train tomorrow, First Class, Heritage Diesel engine and rolling stock, what’s not to like?  And I’m also sorry not to be going to Glasgow itself.  The big smoke has many delights, the least of these, the chippy round the corner from Central station by the…