the end of a week

Well, it is the end of week one.

We were awoken this morning to the sound of the gazebo trying to get in through the french windows, followed closely by Chloe having her finger shut in a door by her delightful sister!

Good start to a day off.

It has been an interesting week, one in which I would never have thought to be missing 8am morning prayer – the church is not that far away – perhaps one day…

There has, so far, not been one day without rain… the saving grace is that Chester is only 30 mins away. It seems to be perpetually sunny there.

I'm off to spend some vouchers – probably in SPCK – maybe even on a copy of CCP, ever hopeful to be up at 8am.

However Dennis McBride has been in my ears for the last week – an ordination gift – His book 'Jesus and the gospels' is an excellent companion to his lectures on CD of the same title. (Although it is supposed to be the other way round)
After listening to his rather humorous talk – some of that may even end up in next weeks sermon!! – I'm rather interested in his book on Parables!!

~ rhannu os ti isio ~ do share ~






One response to “the end of a week”

  1. Dot avatar

    perpetually sunny in chester – who are you trying to kid?

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