Scary thing, phone calls

I’ve just had a call about a youthworker placement in our parish. Great, exciting, etc.

However I had to remark that there really is very little in the parish for young people. Yes we have a Sunday School, and the older kids go to a group in another parish Sunday afternoons, but if I was to do ‘youth-work’ rather than ‘adult-work’ for a week I would probably struggle to be busy for even one day a week. There is already a detached project working in Holywell, Hope 37, so that angle is out as well.

In fact, apart from one harvest service (in another parish) I’ve not done anything with children directly, only as a result of family services or schools visiting churches. Scary thought…

~ rhannu os ti isio ~ do share ~





One response to “Scary thing, phone calls”

  1. Dot avatar

    now that IS a shame!! we are really needing more placements!! : (

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