Yr ochr arall

Looking from Neston across to Wales, Holywell was easily picked out due to the water tower on the tops, I thought to myself, I’d hate to live over here with that great view, always seeing it but not being there, but then, I always look to Liverpool from Wales, not longing to be there, but comforted somehow, seeing the two Cathedrals, that it is still there! I guess those who live on this side might think the same, at least you can always see the hills from here, (weather permitting of course!) it’s good to get a different perspective on where you live, see it from a different angle. Arranging a school visit on creation this morning I have decided to let the children take me on a walk around the village to show me what is important to them. They will decide the route, afterwards I hope they will want to make a new map of the village with their points of interest drawn large!

~ rhannu os ti isio ~ do share ~






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