Books for Ordination

We were offered a book from the Bishop as an ordination present, lovely thought I… As I cast my eye over the books I have yet to read, and those bought waiting in line wondering if they will ever get read, I decided to be brave and select a slightly more modest item of reading material. It was of course a bit of a cheeky bid, but – after ratification from the Bishop that it would be OK I went ahead and ordered ‘The River Cottage Year’ by Hugh FW.

On later reflection, it seems like I have really actually got another theology book. It is a liturgical guide to the seasons of the year – through plants. Just as important as knowing when Michaelmas or Petertide are in the year, so too is knowing when Mussels are best in season or when Artichokes are best selected. Tuning oneself into the seasons of the year environmentally helps make sense of the year spiritually as well. One also has a deeper bond with creation – the stuff of God! Of course this book will probably get read a little more often, perhaps sat beside the cooker as I delve into one of its recipies

~ rhannu os ti isio ~ do share ~



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One response to “Books for Ordination”

  1. John Davies Avatar

    Who’s doing the cooking at the pre-ordination retreat?
    Looking forward to Saturday, hope you enjoy it.

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