Category: away from the desk

  • Holywell Cadi Ha Treffynnon

    Welcoming spring and banishing the gloomy winter spirits with glorious sunshine on this May Bank Holiday Saturday singing, Hwp, Dyna Fo! and various other welsh numbers. Welsh culture and pride was at a high today for this festival, it was quite a bizare site for the uninitiated. Cadi Ha or North Wales Morris has been…

  • collar

    I’ve wondered before now what the point of the dog-collar is.  I’ve even considered giving it up outside of formal gatherings.  It can be annoying, especially in the street or shopping, of course one should view such occasions as ‘opportunities’ (maybe) it can also be interesting watching people’s attitudes towards you some speak to you…

  • the spinning wheel that wasn’t made in one day

    Well the spinning wheel is now done, finally!!  The problem was the bearing for the main wheel, I salvaged one from a bicycle pedal eventually!! I am now drawing out plans for the next one, neater, tidier etc. Of course all you spinning wheel enthusiasts will notice the deliberate mistake…

  • The Spinning Wheel

    It turns, it spins a length of fibre and winds it onto the bobbin. Well that is what it is supposed to do I hear you cry. Well ok yes it is, but today – finally I managed to make it do it. This has rather a lot to do with a post I was…

  • How to build a Spinning Wheel in one day

    First you need to have a week off. Then at the end of that week off, you need to decide rashly to build something ridiculously complicated and it needs to be finished in one day, because the next day you are back at work Planning has never been my strong point. However, I did plan,…

  • Almost about gardening

    I was about to write something about gardening and parishing, then I came across this Where is the Love and got cross… It reminded me of all the reasons why I shy away from the ‘evangelical’ (in its worst meaning) wing of the church. Slowly calming down I remembered someone telling me from our parish…

  • More of the rats

    Its a see saw … with food on!!

  • The Rats pancake day

  • Last Minute Shopping

    Came across this while wwilf-ing … 

  • The A338

    While reflecting on the few days we spent in Wiltshire and Hampshire I realised the stark contrast of the journey often made down (or up) what is mostly the A338, between then and now.  'Then' being about 20-25 years ago.  It represents a distinct shift in perspective.  Names such as Porton Down, Boscome, Tidworth, the…