Category: Bible bits

  • What is it?

    Good question… However, the full qestion was: Taking as a given that you want to serve people, teach, and enable your potential congregants to grow spiritually;  What is it that is within you, which is fulfilled by becoming a priest? This was a question posed to potential students at Salisbury and Wells Theological College when…

  • Remembrance

    Well, I thought I had played it safe (as safe as I have ever got) yesterday with a sermon on Micah.  Swords into ploughshares etc. Listening to the voices of the past and present, wartime poets like Siegfreed Sassoon. However, The quote from Thomas Merton got a distinct blank look… (note to self, leave room…

  • A Common Word between Us and You

    This is the beginning of the letter to the leaders of the Christian churches from Muslim leaders to mark Eid al-Fitr al-Mubarak.   Muslims and Christians together make up well over half of the world’s population. Without peace and justice between these two religious communities, there can be no meaningful peace in the world. The…

  • A Rocha

    This came through the post this morning… I must admit that I had forgotten that I had signed up to the challenge, so this was a welcome reminder, and now every time I open the fridge I will remember too!! More difficult of course will be to persuade the church to take this on board,…

  • Mission

    urgh It’s a word I detest, and yet (apparently) we need to be doing it… You see I just find that I cannot foist my opinions on someone else unless they ask. Am I too polite? ahh no! Is it that I am so weak in faith that I do not believe well enough to…

  • America

    My first impression of the scenes from the southern states amidst the devastation were along the lines of well that’s ‘Fat America’ for you, screaming for food and water after two days, I also thought there was no dignity in these people as there always seemed to be when watching pictures of starving Africans. (Why…